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First-persons memoir of butter-making in their childhoods: Pond from Richford June 11, 1986 (p. 1-5) and photos of equipment 6-7, Warden from Barnet. May 1985 (8-20)

Vermont Life August 1957: Cornwall wheat farmer Justin Brande and whole wheat bread made by baker, Steve Baker

Vermont Life Spring 1957: basic how-to's of backyard sugaring with lots of photos

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Jan-Feb 1927 (p. 101) Overview of Vermont turkey business ,which were highly regarded apparently in large cities. Alos encourages farmers to learn from Wisconsin farm using incubators.

Jan-Feb 1927 (p. 139-141): background and advice on sugaring and marketing of maple. Ref to five-year-old Vt Maple Co-op to encourage farmers to make syrup rather than sugar and grades were set.


Jan-Feb 1927 (p. 136-139) - overview of commercial apple culture in VT, which started 15 years before this. Notes first orchard of any size 1819 in South Hero, 1880 Fameuse orchard in East Highgate, etc. all listed. Diff periods of apple cultivation…

Nov-Dec 1926 (p. 90-92) - celebration by one farmer of GMP (developed in 1878 in Charlotte) and explanation of logistics of farming it, trying to urge others to farm it.

Refugees in Vermont magazine Nov/Dec 2001: general background on diverse refugees who have come to Vermont since the 1970s with some details on Tibetan and Vietnamese foods specifically.

Vermont History, Jan 1960: general info on Italian immigration to Vermont with food/beverage details on planting chicory, grape vines for homemade wine, grappa, mushrooming, polenta, Italian bakeries in Barre
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