Browse Items (19 total)

1976 - (second printing, 1970 original) Fundraiser for school in S. Wallingford includes ads for local dairies, recipes include frozen Hawaiian punch concentrate, canned clams, jell-o salads, American chop suey and hamburg chow mein (both with soy),…

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1963 - Classic Yankee recipes from prolific East Thetford-based author, ingredients, practices including home-churned butter/buttermilk, keeping dishes warm on the back of the stove, store cheese, how to freeze soup outside. Recipes with salt cod,…

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1942 - First cookbook from Louise Andrews Kent, renowned Vermont Life cooking columnist. Her inimitable approach blending useful tips and lore - horehound candy (81), apple-tree cheese (94, fresh hung from tree), fried salt pork with sour cream gravy…

1941 - Pixley (real name Helen Elizabeth Tyler) includes a bit of Vermont history/lore - barrels of pork in brine in cellar, pie for breakfast, butternuts. Recipes in prose include “no” parsnip chowder, salt salmon with cream, hasty pudding, sour…

1940 - compiled by women's club and includes ads for dairy/milk. Interesting mix of traditional from-scratch recipes and recipes depending on packaged products . Recipes include Kool-Aid as well as grape juice made from mashed grapes; Spry pie shell…

1902 - St. J. Woman's Literary Club. Raw potato yeast, scratch mayo, pork chowder, graham muffins, hunter's method of cooking fowl (leave feathers on, salt interior, wrap in brown paper and put in ashes for 1 hour, feathers and skin will fall off),…

1897 - Springfield. Includes ads for Horsford's baking powder "recommended by physicians" (and specified in some recipes) and a food market promising "Meat of all kinds. We keep constantly on hand Beef, Pork, Veal, Mutton, Ham, Tripe, Sausage,…

1885 - From St. Johnsbury benefit for church, but recipes from New England and other parts of Vermont. Classic of its time with poor man's pudding (French-Canadian), how to cure ham with proportions for 100 pounds meat), puddings, pickles.

The Maple Recipe collection offers a unique glimpse at the variety in maple sugar and maple syrup use over the last half-century, as it is prominently featured in a range of dishes, from the sweet to the savory. The collection includes entrees, side…

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